Saturday 6 April 2013

Week 9 &10

  Yesterday was the last day of the year, everyone was excited about it. And I finally finished the CSC165 course. The beginning of the course was quite easy and fun. I enjoyed the class time and everything was pretty well. But since the mid of this semester, the course became challenge for me, as a violent monster charged to you.  I felt I wasn’t focus on the course for just one second and then I could not follow the course for like a week.  

  The big O, big Omega and big theta are hard enough. However the halt which we learned afterwards made my life harder. I felt that ‘halt’ was a kind of problem which was testing your intelligence.  If you are smart then you can solve it, otherwise you would never know the answer even you have tried many practice problems. 

Thursday 28 March 2013

Week 8

  Since the course is going to the end, the feeling "lost"  becomes an common feeling which I always have during the class. During these weeks, we learned Big O, Big theta, Big Omega, the easy part for these questions is their structures are similar and easy. And even the problems seem difficult, but the actual proofs are not that difficult, still have some way to do it.

  All of these are challenges for me. Even though ,these three types of problem are similar to prove, but the detail works are a lot harder. I have a feeling that our course is not learning things, it is testing our intelligence which is given when you were born. I always get killed by those questions. Once I see my friends answer, I find how stupid I am.

  I don't get full mark on the last tutorial problem, because I didn't review before the quiz. I was thinking to learn on the tutorial. But actually, you can't not become from 0 to full just on one tutorial. I think I should focus on the course now, because it is end of the year now, I become lazy and tired and I don't put all of my credit on the course.

  Keep working and try your best.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Week 7

  This week we just finished our second term test, which is a lot of easier than I thought before. I was afraid of having delta questions which we didn't have it on the test. The last question was still a challenge for me. I should have it clear before the test. For those questions which given us a definition of something, do we just use the last part of the definition to prove the statement? or what?
  Since last week, the new material was focusing on Big O. I currently felt completely lost. I think I kind of understand of how to calculate the steps of a loop, but I'm not sure. And for the Big O, I have no idea what is it. I think the problem for me is I put too much time on the test and don't listen carefully during the class.

  We don't have tutorial on the test week which is a disadvantage for me, because tutorial can help me follow the course and I usually don't like spend my time on doing questions. Tutorial really can teach me a lot.

Monday 4 March 2013


  Since this week, I finally can make some proofs by myself, not only the structure. This is a huge improvement for me, because I have been worrying for couple of weeks.  Everything is getting better smoothly.

  The new material we just learned made me frustrated again, I felt lost during the lectures. I don't know how to count the steps by using the strategy given to us. And once I saw the statement we needed to prove, I felt 'what the hell is that', it was long and having more symbols than others, which confused me a lot.

  Tutorials are helpful as always. And I think for the quiz, if you have completed the tutorial problems, you should have no trouble of getting a 2 on the quiz, because the quiz is very similar to the tutorial problem.  So I always come to tutorials on time, because I think attending to tutorial will improve my mark.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Week 5

  Because of the reading week, the post for this week is a little bit late. Now, the reading week is gone to the end, the course material which after reading week is going to be a huge challenge for me.

  I just received my test 1 result before the reading week. I have done pretty well on it~~~OH YEAH.. I think the reason for that is because the test is pretty easy. And the average was pretty high as well.

  I just can do the proof structure in these days, which is a big improvement for me. The TA says that you will get 40-50% for the structure which means I can pass the course at least. But my goal isn't that, my goal is to get a high B at least for the course which is a challenge for me, because logic is one of the hardest region in computer science. Coding is not hard, but you need logic to code which is hard.

  I'm still looking forward to learn more about logic. I can find happiness in this course, such as finish one of the hard question. Hope I can get a good mark in this course.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Week 4

  We just finished the first and the easiest part of the course. I think I have done pretty well on the test. Even though the first question is a little bit harder than the previous test, I still finish it pretty well. Here's a funny thing. I didn't see the versions of the test when I checked the solutions, and I found out the solution was totally different to my test. And I was thinking what's going on and when I saw the second version of the test, my heart back to calm.
  The course is confusing me a lot. I can't do any proof by my self. I can understand the proof by reading the solution, but I don't have any idea to solve a question since all the questions are mostly math problem. The problems are seems like basic math proof, but the idea of thinking is still part of my weakness. I think I'm far behind the course right now.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Week 3

  The quiz of the third week is pretty easy. I think I finally can get a 2 from the quiz. I used to finished the tutorial questions before the quiz and I can get the answer from the tutorial which is really helpful.

  The course is getting harder since this week. I found myself is kind of lost. I learned the structure of proving and some examples of proving. I am taking MAT137 in the same time, and I'm feeling this course is exactly a math course right now. The examples which given to us are the same as MAT137 and proving is almost my weakest part.

  I learned the good way of proving is to follow the steps which I don't learned from MAT137.  You can check your thinking by following the steps and even if you don't know how to do the questions, these steps might help you to solve it.